Roughly 80% of the population will experience back pain and some point in their life. Further to that back pain is one of the most common reasons people will miss work. This means roughly 8 out of 10 people who read this article have experienced or will experience back pain. Chances are you found this post while searching for the best sleeping pillow for back pain.
Despite what you may think, back pain is not caused by things like arthritis. It is, in fact, a result of bad posture, stress or it could be your mattress causing lower back pain. The good news is that you may be able to relieve your back pain by changing out your sleeping pillow for one that is specially designed to help with back pain. There are also a few sleeping positions that relieve back pain.
Let’s take a look at the best sleeping position for upper back and neck pain.
Use a pillow between your legs when you sleep on your side
Sleeping on your back can be uncomfortable and if you don’t have the right pillow you can be placing additional pressure on your neck. Try to sleep on your side, with the entire side, from your shoulder touching the mattress. Then place a pillow between your knees. The pillow between your knees is the key to this sleep position, it helps to align your hips, pelvis, and spine and will reduce back pain.
If sleeping on your side like this works for you, invest in the Thin Profile Memory Foam Neck Pillow. This neck pillow has been designed in collaboration with a Chiropractor and makes use of special density foam that provides you with unparalleled comfort and support for a good night’s sleep. This is also the best memory foam pillow if you suffer allergies.
Curl up like a baby in the fetal position
This position helps if you have a herniated disc but can help alleviate unrelated lower back pain as well.
This is also a side sleeping position but when on your side, tuck your knees towards your chest. The advantage of these positions is that when you curl your torso up, it opens up the spaces between your vertebrae.
Your neck pain is also aggravated by the sleeping pillow you use. Choosing the right pillow will help you alleviate back pain as well. The UTTU Sandwich Pillow is one of the best pillows for side sleepers. The pillow is made from UTTU dynamic foam, which is well known for never going hard. It remains its firmness, which means it keeps its shape every night, resulting in a good night’s sleep.
Sleep on your stomach with a pillow under your stomach
Sleeping on your stomach is probably not the best position to sleep on, it does place added stress onto your neck but with the correct memory foam pillow, it can be done pain-free.
If this is your preferred sleeping position and you are suffering from back pain, consider placing a pillow beneath your abdomen and pelvis. Doing this will help to alleviate some of the pressure that is placed on the space between your disks.
You need to find the correct contour pillow when you sleep on your stomach. The Belly Sleep Gel Infused Pillow is our choice for belly sleepers. It is a flat pillow that offers you spinal support while the curved edges reduce the rotation of your head and neck. The neutral positioning of your head and neck improves breathing and reduces pressure points. The result is you wake up pain-free and rested.
Sleep on your back and place a pillow beneath your knees
Sleeping on your back could be more comfortable for you. If you are trying to alleviate or reduce back pain, place a pillow under your knees. This will help your spine to remain neutral and maintain the natural curve of your spine.
Sleeping on your back helps to evenly distribute your weight and places less strain on your pressure points. It will help to improve your spines alignment.
For back sleepers, the Elite Rest Contour Sleeper is the best pillow with neck support. This pillow provides you with therapeutic support and promises a good night’s sleep, leaving you refreshed when you wake up. This is a contour pillow so it confirms to your body, providing support to your neck and head and assists with spinal alignment.
Sleep sitting up
Is it bad to sleep sitting up? While it is not recommended to sleep in a chair or sitting up regularly, it can help to ease back pain. This sleeping position can help to reduce the pressure on your spine.
The DMI Wedge Pillow can help you achieve the best sitting position for lower back pain. The upper body pillow elevates the head, providing support where it is needed. Not only will this wedge pillow help with back pain, but it will also relieve reflux and other respiratory problems.
If you are suffering from back pain, it is important that you consider mattress, sleep position and sleeping pillow. Each one of these things can contribute to the quality of sleep you are getting. Choosing the best pillow for neck pain will help to make sure you wake up without aches and pain.